I love me

The I LOVE ME Campaign arrives in Mexico and its proposal is to generate self-esteem, prosperity and abundance.

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This artistic proposal, presented as a campaign, seeks to generate self-esteem and prosperity in those who observe it. It is about attracting abundance and fostering self-esteem. The desire to improve and achieve a good standard of living is what the Panamanian artist Susana González-Revilla shares with us. In her works, she appropriates recognizable objects to give them a new meaning. In this case, the artist has taken a completely representative element of capitalism to transform it into a synonym of abundance. According to quantum physics, thoughts are energy and, according to the law of attraction, seeing and thinking about something every day encourages this quality or element to be attracted to our lives. By exposing the I Love Me signs written on 100-dollar bills dollars, the artist proposes to attract prosperity and self-love to the lives of as many people as possible.

Appropriate the image and put it in a place where you see it every day!

Chat with Susana González, visual artist.

Interview with the artist Susana Gónzalez-Revilla

On the occasion of his visit to Mexico to present the works La Iglesia del Amor and Yo Me Amo, we spoke with the Panamanian artist Susana González Revilla.

ODAC: The Church of Self-Love is a performance that takes place on public roads. In the case of Mexico, it happened in subway stations. Unlike an action carried out in a museum, in which the audience knows that they are going to see a work of art and is predisposed to receive it, this is not the case in public spaces.